
Release 5.17

Bulk Enrollment

The Bulk Operations feature includes the option to upload enrollments including photographs and signature image files in a ZIP file. Uploading using a ZIP does not require you to convert image files to Base64 before uploading. For instructions on uploading enrollments, refer to the online help.

SubMSP Enhancements

Creating a standard service provider account always includes the Advanced and Essential bundles. Instant ID as a Service records the number of tenants created for each bundle and reports it to the user

Field Connections

Instant ID as a Service now includes options to configure connections between fields on a credential design and fields on an enrollment design. It also includes options to configure connections between fields on an enrollment design and fields on a mobile flash pass. Data entered in a field on the enrollment design is populated in the connected field on the credential or mobile flash pass. For instructions, refer to the online help.

Mobile Flash Pass Billing

Instant ID as a Service now tracks the number of mobile flash passes issued by a tenant and reports the number to the service provider user. The tenant user can also see the number of mobile flash passes that they have issued. Instant ID as a Service reports mobile flash passes as "Issued", "Claimed", or, "Reclaimed".