
Identity as a Service API Deprecations

Current Deprecations

The following administration API operations have been deprecated and have been removed or are currently in the process
of being removed:

Deprecated Operation Replacement Operation Deprecated End of Life Date
listAssignedGridsUsingGET assignedGridsPageUsingPOST 4.2 (Sep 2018) 5.10 (Aug 2020)
auditEventReportUsingPOST auditEventPageUsingPOST 4.3 (Oct 2018) 5.10 (Aug 2020)
listUnassignedGridsUsingGET unassignedGridsPageUsingPOST 4.7 (Mar 2019) 5.10 (Aug 2020)
usersUsingGET usersPagedUsingPOST 4.3 (Oct 2018) 5.10 (Aug 2020)
getTenantsUsingGET getTenantsPageUsingPOST 5.8 (Jun 2020) 5.10 (Aug 2020)
listAssignedTokensUsingGET assignedTokensPageUsingPOST 5.11 (Sep 2020) 5.14 (Jan 2021)
listUnassignedTokensUsingGET unassignedTokensPageUsingPOST 5.11 (Sep 2020) 5.14 (Jan 2021)
groupsUsingGET groupsPagedUsingPOST 5.27 (Dec 2022) 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getServiceIPAddressesUsingGET N/A 5.33 (Feb 2024) 5.37 (Sept 2024)

The following authentication API operations have been deprecated and have been removed or are currently in the process
of being removed:

Deprecated Operation Replacement Operation Deprecated End of Life Date
requestPasskeyChallengeUsingPOST userChallengeUsingPOST 5.33 (Feb 2024) 5.37 (Sept 2024)

Old versions of API operations that have been versioned have been deprecated and will be removed in or after the
specified release.

Administration API
Operation Current Version Old Versions End of Life Date
createUserUsingPOST v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
deleteUserUsingDELETE v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
createUsersUsingPOST v3 v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
deleteUsersUsingDELETE v3 v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
userUsingGET v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
userByExternalIdUsingGET v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
usersPagedUsingPOST v4 v1, v2, v3 5.31 (Aug 2023)
updateUserUsingPUT v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
updateUsersUsingPUT v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
assignedGridsPage v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
createGridUsingPOST v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getGridUsingGET v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getGridBySerialNumberUsingGET v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
deleteGridByDELETE v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
changeGridStateUsingPUT v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
siemAuditEventPageUsingPOST v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
auditEventPageUsingPOST v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getOTPAuthenticatorSettingsUsingGET v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
updateOTPAuthenticatorSettingsUsingPUT v3 v1, v2 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getTenantEntitlementsUsingGET v4 v1, v2, v3 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getTenantEntitlementUsingGET v4 v1, v2, v3 5.31 (Aug 2023)
setTenantEntitlementUsingPUT v4 v1, v2, v3 5.31 (Aug 2023)
createTenantUsingPOST v4 v1, v2, v3 5.31 (Aug 2023)
getResourceRulesUsingGET v2 v1 5.37 (Sept 2024)
createResourceRuleUsingPOST v2 v1 5.37 (Sept 2024)
getResourceRulesForResourceUsingGET v2 v1 5.37 (Sept 2024)
removeResourceRuleUsingDELETE v2 v1 5.37 (Sept 2024)
getResourceRuleUsingGET v2 v1 5.37 (Sept 2024)
updateResourceRuleUsingPUT v2 v1 5.37 (Sept 2024)
createTenantAsyncUsingPOST v5 v4 5.39 (Jan 2025)
createAuthenticationFlowUsingPOST v2 v1 5.40 (Mar 2025)
getAuthenticationFlowsUsingGET v2 v1 5.40 (Mar 2025)
getAuthenticationFlowUsingGET v2 v1 5.40 (Mar 2025)
updateAuthenticationFlowUsingPUT v2 v1 5.40 (Mar 2025)
removeAuthenticationFlowUsingDELETE v2 v1 5.40 (Mar 2025)
Authentication API
Operation Current Version Old Versions End of Life Date
userAuthenticatorQueryUsingPOST v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)
userChallengeUsingPOST v2 v1 5.31 (Aug 2023)


List Assigned Grids (listAssignedGridsUsingGET)

The API for listing all the assigned grid cards in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated
endpoint which will only return a page of assigned grid cards at a time. This API also allows for searching and sorting
of the results.

List Unassigned Grids (listUnassignedGridsUsingGET)

The API for listing all the unassigned grid cards in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated
endpoint which will only return a page of unassigned grid cards at a time. This API also allows for searching and
sorting of the results.

List Audit Event (auditEventReportUsingPOST)

The API for listing all the audit events in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated endpoint
which will only return a page of audit events at a time. This API also allows for searching and sorting of the results.

List All Users (usersUsingGET)

The API for listing all users in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated endpoint which will
only return a page of users at a time. This API also allows for searching and sorting of the results.

Get all tenants (getTenantsUsingGET)

The API for listing all tenants in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated endpoint which will
only return a page of tenants at a time. This API also allows for searching and sorting of the results.

List Assigned Tokens (listAssignedTokensUsingGET)

The API for listing all the assigned hardware tokens in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated
endpoint which will only return a page of assigned hardware tokens at a time. This API also allows for searching and
sorting of the results.

List Unassigned Tokens (listUnassignedTokensUsingGET)

The API for listing all the unassigned hardware tokens in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the
paginated endpoint which will only return a page of unassigned hardware tokens at a time. This API also allows for
searching and sorting of the results.

List Groups (groupsUsingGET)

The API for listing all the groups in an account has been deprecated in favour of using the paginated endpoint which
will only return a page of groups at a time. This API also allows for searching and sorting of the results.