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CardsPrintedint?Total cards successfully printed by printer.[optional]
CardsRemainingint?number of cards remaining before cleaning[optional]
DeviceIdstringPrinters unique device ID obtained from the printer LCD.[optional]
FirmwareCheckedOnDateTime?The date when the firmware version was last checked[optional] [readonly]
FirmwareUpdateRequestIdstringThe request id for an active firmware update[optional] [readonly]
FirmwareUpdatedOnDateTime?The date when the firmware version was last updated[optional] [readonly]
FirmwareVersionstringThe firmware version[optional] [readonly]
Hoppersint?The number of hoppers[optional] [readonly]
Idstring[optional] [readonly]
LocationstringOptional physical location of the printer.[optional]
ModelstringThe printer model[optional] [readonly]
NamestringThe printer name[optional]
NewFirmwareVersionstringA newer firmware version[optional] [readonly]
PrinterTypestringThe printer type[optional] [readonly]
PtpReadybool?A flag used to determine if the printer has PTP ribbon or not (Ignore this field in the API request or response)[optional]
RetransferRollRemainingdouble?percentage of retransfer roll remaining in printer[optional]
RibbonIdstringID of the cloud enabled ribbon installed in the printer (Ignore this field in the API request or response)[optional]
RibbonRemainingdouble?percentage of ribbon remaining in printer[optional]
ScSimulatorbool?A flag used to determine if the smart card simulator needs to be invoked[optional]