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Information stored about a certificate associated with a digital id.


DescriptionstringThe description providing the purpose of this certificate.[optional]
DigitalIdIdstringThe UUID of the digital id to which this certificate belongs[optional]
DigitalIdTypestringThe type of the digital Id to which this certificate belongs.[optional]
IdstringThe UUID of this Digital Id Certificate.[optional]
IssuerDNstringThe issuer DN of this certificate.[optional]
NotAfterDateTime?The expiry date of this certificate.[optional]
NotBeforeDateTime?The issue date of this certificate.[optional]
PivContainerstringThe name of the PIV container that stores this certificate on the smart card.[optional]
SerialNumberstringThe serial number of this certificate.[optional]
StatusstringThe status of this certificate. If not set, the revocation status has not been retrieved from the CA.[optional]
SubjectDNstringThe subject DN of this certificate.[optional]