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Version: 5.36.1

Entrust Identity as a Service Issuance API

The Instant ID as a Service Issuance API provides functionality that allows a customer to manage printers and to use those printers to print cards, encode magstrips on cards and encode chips on cards. The Issuance API is available as both a swagger file which is available as a link from this document and also as SDKs that can be downloaded from the Getting Started section of the developer portal which is accessed from the Instant ID as a Service Admin portal.

Before using the Instant ID as a Service Issuance API, the customer must create an Issuance API application using the admin portal of their Instant ID as a Service Issuance account. When creating an Issuance API application the customer must specify a role that controls what capabilities their application can perform. The two default roles provided in Instant ID as a Service Issuance are:

  • Issuance Administrator - allows the application to both manage printers and perform print operations
  • Issuance Operator - allows the application to perform print operations

When the Issuance API application is created, credentials are provided that consist of:

  • the Instant ID as a Service Account URL
  • the Application Id
  • the Application Shared Secret

These values should be downloaded from Instant ID as a Service. They are required input to a client application using the Instant ID as a Service API application.

The first step all Issuance API client applications must do is to authenticate to Instant ID as a Service. This is done by calling the "Admin API Authentication" operation. The application Id and shared secret values that were downloaded from Instant ID as a Service are provided as input parameters to this method. The method returns an authToken which is provided as input to all of the other operations.

The Issuance API provides the following operations to manage printers:

  • createPrinter - register a printer. Required arguments are a unique name and the printer deviceId. The new printer is assigned a unique UUID which is used to reference the printer in all other operations.
  • readPrinter - return information about the printer.
  • readPrinters - return information about all of the printers for this Instant ID as a Service account.
  • deletePrinter - delete the specified printer.
  • replacePrinter - modify the specified printer.
  • getPrintersSummary - get a count of the number of printers in the current Instant ID as a Service account.
  • readPrinterPreference - get printer preferences for the specified printer.
  • replacePrinterPreference - update printer preferences for the specified printer.

The Issuance API provides the following print operations:

  • print - submit a print job to the specified printer. The print job can include images to be printed on the printer, information to be encoded on a magstrip or APDUs to be written to the chip on the card. The print operation returns a unique UUID for the new print job.
  • getPrintStatus - return the status of the specified print job.
  • cancelPrint - cancel the specified print job
  • updatePrint - for smart card encoding, send additional APDUs to the card.

Refer to the rest of this document for more details on the operations provided by the Issuance API.


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Entrust Identity as a Service:



By using the Entrust Instant ID as a Service (IIDaaS) Issuance API, you agree to the terms of the license.