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The values stored for a user. This structure is passed when creating or modifying a user. It is returned when querying a user.


alternate_emailsList[UserAlternateEmails]A list of all the users alternate emails.[optional]
authenticator_lockout_statusList[UserAuthenticatorLockoutStatus]A list of all authenticators that the user has with their lockout status.[optional]
directory_dnstrThe DN of the user in the directory the user was synchronized from.[optional]
directory_idstrIf the user was synchronized from a directory, the UUID of that directory.[optional]
directory_namestrIf the user was synchronized from a directory, the name of that directory.[optional]
directory_object_guidstrThe objectGUID of the user in the directory the user was synchronized from.[optional]
directory_typestrThe type of the directory user was synchronized from.[optional]
emailstrThe email address of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. It must be set to use EMAIL OTP authentication and other features that require an email address.[optional]
external_idstrAn optional external ID for this user. This value can be used to track the external identity of an Identity as a Service user.[optional]
external_sourcestrAn optional value that describes the source when the user is synchronized from an external source.[optional]
fido_tokensList[FIDOToken]A list of all the FIDO tokens owned by this user.[optional]
first_namestrThe first name of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration.[optional]
frozenboolIndicates whether a user is unable to authenticate due to inactivity.[optional]
frozen_grace_perioddatetimeIndicates a user's frozen grace period.[optional]
gridsList[Grid]A list of all the grids owned by this user.[optional]
groupsList[Group]A list of all groups to which this user belongs.[optional]
idstrThe unique UUID for this user. This value is generated by the service when a user is created.[optional]
last_auth_timedatetimeThe last time this user successfully authenticated. Null if the user has never authenticated.[optional]
last_modifieddatetimeWhen the user was last modified.[optional]
last_namestrThe last name of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration.[optional]
localestrThe locale of this user. If not set, the default account locale will be used.[optional]
lockedboolA flag indicating if this user is locked.[optional]
locked_authenticator_typesList[str]The user authenticators that are locked.[optional]
locked_authenticatorsList[str]The user authenticators that are locked. Deprecated: use lockedAuthenticatorTypes[optional]
lockout_expirydatetimeIf the user is locked, this value will specify the time at which the lockout will expire.[optional]
magic_link_enabledboolIndicates whether Magic Links are enabled for this user.[optional]
migratedboolA flag indicating if this user was migrated from Entrust IdentityGuard.[optional]
mobilestrThe mobile number of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. It must be set to use SMS OTP authentication.[optional]
oauth_rolesList[OAuthRole]A list of all oauth roles to which this user belongs.[optional]
organizationsList[Organization]A list of the user organizations.[optional]
otp_create_timedatetimeIf the user has an OTP, this attribute specifies when the user's OTP was created.[optional]
password_expiration_timedatetimeThe password expiration time.[optional]
phonestrThe phone number of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. It must be set to use VOICE OTP authentication.[optional]
preferred_otp_deliverystrPreferred OTP delivery type (SMS, EMAIL or VOICE) or SYSTEM to use the system defined default.[optional]
preferred_otp_delivery_contact_attributesDict[str, str]Preferred OTP delivery contact attribute for the given type (i.e., OTP_EMAIL, OTP_SMS, OTP_VOICE. An empty string means no override for that type).[optional]
registration_enabledboolIndicates whether registration is enabled for this user.[optional]
registration_requiredboolIndicates whether self-registration is required. This attribute doesn't apply to administrators.[optional]
security_idstrThe security ID of this user. The security ID is a unique value used to identity the user when performing smart card login to Microsoft Windows.[optional]
show_notificationboolIndicates whether to show notifications to this user.[optional]
smart_credentialsList[SmartCredential]A list of all the smart credentials owned by this user.[optional]
statestrThe state of this user. Only users in the ACTIVE state can perform authentication.[optional]
tokensList[Token]A list of all the tokens owned by this user.[optional]
typestrThe type of user. A value of LDAP_AD means the user was synchronized from a directory. A value of MGMT_UI means the user was created in Identity as a Service. A value of EXTERNAL means the user was synchronized from an external source.[optional]
user_aliasesList[UserAlias]A list of user aliases for this user.[optional]
user_attribute_valuesList[UserAttributeValue]A list of user attribute values for this user.[optional]
user_creation_timedatetimeThe time this user was created.[optional]
user_extra_attributesList[UserExtraAttribute]A list of extra optional attributes for this user.[optional]
user_idstrThe user ID for this user.[optional]
user_principal_namestrThe user principal name of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration.[optional]
verification_enabledboolIndicates whether verification is enabled for this user.[optional]
verification_requiredboolIndicates whether verification is required. This attribute doesn't apply to administrators.[optional]
