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Information returned from the service about a smart credential.


allowed_actionsList[str]A list of administration actions currently allowed for this smart credential.[optional]
card_digital_config_idstrThe UUID of the Card Digital Id config of this smart credential. If not set, the smart credential will not have a Card Digital Id.[optional]
card_digital_config_requiredboolIndicates if the card digitalid config is required or not.[optional]
card_holder_digital_config_idstrThe UUID of the Card Holder Digital Id config of this smart credential. If not set, the smart credential will not have a Card Holder Digital Id.[optional]
card_holder_digital_config_requiredboolIndicates if the card holder digitalid config is required or not.[optional]
certificatesList[DigitalIdCert]A list of certificates associated with this smart credential.[optional]
chip_idstrThe chip id of the smart card set when the smart credential is encoded.[optional]
digital_idsList[DigitalId]A list of digital ids associated with this smart credential.[optional]
encode_msgstrFor smart credentials that have failed to encode, the encode message stores a message providing information about the failure.[optional]
encode_statestrThe encode state of a smart credential indicates if encoding has started, completed successfully or failed.[optional]
enroll_statestrThe enrollment state of a smart credential indicates if all of the necessary enrollment values have been collected. Only smart credentials in the ENROLLED state can be activated.[optional]
expiry_datedatetimeFor issued smart credentials, the expiry date is the date on which the smart credential will expire.[optional]
idstrThe unique UUID assigned to the smart credential when it is created.[optional]
issue_datedatetimeThe date on which the smart credential was issued.[optional]
notify_enabledboolA flag indicating if notification is enabled for this smart credential.[optional]
platformstrThe platform of the Mobile SC application on which this smart credential was encoded.[optional]
sc_defn_idstrThe UUID of the Smart Credential Definition that defines this smart credential.[optional]
sc_defn_namestrThe name of the smart credential definition of this smart credential.[optional]
serial_numberstrThe unique serial number of the smart credential generated when it is created.[optional]
statestrThe state of the smart credential. Only smart credentials in the ACTIVE state can be used for authentication.[optional]
user_idstrThe UUID of the user that owns this smart credential.[optional]
user_user_idstrThe user Id of the user that owns this smart credential.[optional]
variable_valuesList[SCVariableValue]Variable values for this smart credential[optional]
versionstrThe version of the Mobile SC application on which this smart credential was encoded.[optional]
