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Information returned about a smart credential definition.


card_digital_id_config_requiredboolA flag indicating if smart credentials using this SC definition must have a card digital id config defined.[optional]
card_holder_digital_id_config_requiredboolA flag indicating if smart credentials using this SC definition must have a card holder digital id config defined.[optional]
card_pin_digitsstrRequirements for digits in card PINs for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
card_pin_lengthintThe length of card PINs generated for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
card_pin_lowerstrRequirements for lowercase letters in card PINs for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
card_pin_max_attemptsintThe maximum number of times a wrong PIN can be entered incorrectly before it locks out the smart credential.[optional]
card_pin_max_lengthintThe maximum PIN length of card PINs for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
card_pin_max_uses_after_admin_resetintThe maximum number of times a PIN can be used before it must be changed after it is set by an administrator.[optional]
card_pin_min_lengthintThe minimum PIN length of card PINs for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
card_pin_specialstrRequirements for special characters in card PINs for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
card_pin_upperstrRequirements for uppercase letters in card PINs for smart credentials for this SC Defn.[optional]
default_card_digital_id_config_idstrThe UUID of the default card digital id config. If not set, there is no default.[optional]
default_card_holder_digital_id_config_idstrThe UUID of the default card holder digital id config. If not set, there is no default.[optional]
default_sc_defnboolA flag indicating if this is the default SC Defn.[optional]
idstrThe UUID of this SC Defn.[optional]
lifetimeintThe lifetime of smart credentials created for this SC Defn.[optional]
namestrThe name of this SC Defn.[optional]
piv_applet_config_idstrThe UUID of the PIV applet configuration associated with this smart credential definition.[optional]
piv_content_signer_caidstrThe UUID of the CA that defines the PIV Content Signer for this SC definition. If not set, the PIV Content Signer is derived from the digital id configs.[optional]
variablesList[SCDefnVariable]Smart Credential Definition Variables defined for this SC Defn.[optional]
