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Parameters passed when setting the entitlements of a tenant. Entitlements are required.


contract_modestrThe contract mode of a tenant, allowable values = 'PRODUCTION', 'TRIAL', example='TRIAL'.[optional]
contract_numberstrThe contract number.[optional]
customer_idstrThe customer ID.[optional]
end_datedatetimeThe date this entitlement will end. The value must be after the start date. If not specified, this value defaults to the end date of the service provider's entitlement.[optional]
entitlement_idstrThe entitlement ID.[optional]
fleet_managementobjectParameters passed when setting the fleet management entitlements of a tenant.[optional]
id_proofingList[IdProofingParms]The ID Proofing entitlements.[optional]
printerobjectParameters passed when setting the Printer entitlements of a tenant.[optional]
quantityintThe number of entitlements assigned to the tenant (required during creation). The service provider must have enough available entitlements to meet this request.[optional]
smart_login_enabledboolWhether Smart Card Smart Login is enabled or not.[optional]
start_datedatetimeThe date this entitlement will start. If not specified, it defaults to the current date. This value cannot be in the future.[optional]
statusstrThe status of this entitlement.[optional]
typestrThe type of entitlement. Currently this value must be USERS. If not specified, this value defaults to USERS.[optional]
usage_typestr[DEPRECATED] The type of entitlement (ignored if type is provided). Currently this value must be USERS. If not specified, this value defaults to USERS.[optional]
user_bundlesList[ServiceBundle]The entitlement bundles that defines the set of features available for authentication accounts.[optional]
users_billing_typestrThe billing type for user entitlements. Defaults to PRE_PAID if not provided.[optional]
