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Information returned when an Admin API application is fetched from Identity as a Service.


allow_long_lived_tokenboolDetermines if the application can use a long-lived token for authentication.[optional]
application_templatestrThe name of the application template specific to this application type.
application_template_idstrApplication template id specific to this application type.[optional]
descriptionstrShort description of application.[optional]
idstrApplication ID.[optional]
ip_list_idstrThe UUID of the IP Addresses list.[optional]
last_authn_datedatetimeLast successful authentication time to use administration api[optional]
logostrBase64 encoded logo image.[optional]
namestrName of application.
role_idstrThe UUID of the Site role to be associated with the API application. Pass an empty string value to unset the site role.[optional]
shared_secretstrShared secret for application.[optional]
sp_role_idstrThe UUID of the service provider role to be associated with the API application. Pass an empty string to unset the service provider role.[optional]
