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AdComplexitybool?True if password meets the active directory complexity requirements.[optional]
Aliasbool?True if password meets the userId requirements. Password must not contain user alias.[optional]
AlphaNumericbool?True if password meets the alpha numeric requirements.[optional]
Blacklistedbool?True if password does not contain a blacklisted password.[optional]
DirectoryTypestringType of the directory the user is associated with, ON_PREM, AZURE or AD Connector.[optional]
FullNamebool?True if password meets the full name requirements. Full Name must not be in the password.[optional]
Lengthbool?True if password meets the length requirements.[optional]
LowerCasebool?True if password meets the lower case requirements.[optional]
NondeterministicValidationsList<string>List of validations that cannot be determined mostly due to user is AD managed.[optional]
Numericbool?True if password meets the numeric requirements.[optional]
PasswordHistorybool?True if password does not match the history if enabled.[optional]
RepeatedCharactersbool?True if password meets the repeated characters requirements.[optional]
Strengthbool?True if password meets the minimum strength requirements.[optional]
UpperCasebool?True if password meets the upper case requirements.[optional]
UserIDbool?True if password meets the userId requirements. Password must not contain userId.[optional]