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Information returned from the service about a token.


AlgorithmTypestringThe algorithm type used by the token that was created or loaded into the system to generate OTP values.[optional]
AllowedActionsList<Token.AllowedActionsEnum>Actions that can be performed on this token.[optional]
DescriptionstringOptional text describing this token.[optional]
GroupsList<string>The UUIDs of groups to which this token belongs. This value is only used for unassigned tokens. Only groups to which the current administrator has access will be returned.[optional]
IdstringThe unique UUID assigned to the token when it is created.[optional]
LabelstringOptional label to identify an assigned token: a String up to 100 characters.[optional]
LastUsedDateDateTime?The date on which the token was last used for authentication. This value will be null if the token has never been used.[optional]
LoadDateDateTime?The date on which the token was created or loaded into the system.[optional]
LogostringBase-64 encoded logo. If a custom logo is provided by the customer it is returned. Otherwise a system default logo is returned.[optional]
NamestringAn optional name for the token.[optional]
PlatformstringThe mobile device platform on which an Entrust Soft Token was activated.[optional]
RegisteredForTransactionsbool?A flag indicating if the Entrust Soft Token has registered for transactions. Only tokens that are registered can perform token push authentication.[optional]
SerialNumberstringThe serial number of the token either generated when the token was created or loaded into the system.[optional]
StatestringThe state of the token. For most tokens, only tokens in the ACTIVE state can be used for authentication. Google Authenticator tokens in the ACTIVATING state can also be used for authentication.[optional]
SupportsChallengeResponsebool?A flag indicating if the Token supports challenge response processing.[optional]
SupportsResponsebool?A flag indicating if the Token supports response processing.[optional]
SupportsSignaturebool?A flag indicating if the Token supports signature processing.[optional]
SupportsUnlockbool?A flag indicating if the Token supports unlock processing.[optional]
SupportsUnlockTOTPbool?A flag indicating if the Token supports unlock using TOTP processing.[optional]
TypestringThe type of token specified when the token was created or loaded into the system.[optional]
UserIdstringIf the token is assigned to a user, this value specifies that user's user id.[optional]