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An OidcConfigurationResponse defines the external OpenID Connect identity provider configuration.


AuthorizationEndpointstringThe authorization endpoint of the external OIDC identity provider.[optional]
ClaimsSupportedList<string>A list of claims supported by the external OIDC identity provider.[optional]
JwksUristringThe JWKS URI endpoint of the external OIDC identity provider used to verify a token signature.[optional]
RequireUserinfoSignaturebool?A flag indicating if the user information endpoint of the external OIDC identity provider should be signed and verified.[optional]
RevocationEndpointstringThe revocation endpoint of the external OIDC identity provider.[optional]
ScopesSupportedList<string>A list of scopes supported by the external OIDC identity provider.[optional]
TokenEndpointstringThe token endpoint of the external OIDC identity provider.[optional]
UserinfoEndpointstringThe user information endpoint of the external OIDC identity provider.[optional]