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An AuthenticationFlow defines the authentication options available for a given risk level.


ApplicationsList<ApplicationResourceRule>List of applications using this authentication flow.[optional]
IdstringThe unique UUID assigned to the authentication flow when it is created.
IdpDomainBasedbool?A flag indicating if the authentication flow will be using only domain-based IDPs.[optional]
IdpLoginSecondStepList<AuthenticationFlow.IdpLoginSecondStepEnum>The authenticator type to use during in the second step of a two-step authentication scenario when the OIDC identity provider Login flow is enabled and requires a second factor.[optional]
LoginFlowsList<LoginFlow>List of login flows.
NamestringThe name of the authentication flow.
OidcIdentityProvidersList<OidcIdentityProvider>The OIDC identity providers supported when the IDP login flow is enabled- -limited info is returned.[optional]
ReadOnlyboolA flag indicating if the authentication flow can be modified or deleted.
UserLoginFirstStepstringThe authenticator type to use in the first step of a two-step authentication scenario when the User Login flow is enabled.[optional]
UserLoginSecondStepList<AuthenticationFlow.UserLoginSecondStepEnum>The authenticator type to use during in the second step of a two-step authentication scenario when the User Login flow is enabled.[optional]