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Update general settings



Update general settings. Caller requires the SETTINGS:EDIT permission.




    authenticationSessionLifetime int32

    Possible values: >= 60 and <= 3600

    The amount of time in seconds before an authenticated user needs to re-authenticate. Default is 900.

    authenticatorActivationType string


    A setting that indicates the type of token automatically created for the user when it is created. Choices are NONE, ENTRUST_SOFT_TOKEN or GOOGLE_AUTHENTICATOR. Default is ENTRUST_SOFT_TOKEN.

    corsEnabled boolean

    A flag that indicates if CORS is enabled for this account.



    A list of origins that cross-origin requests are allowed from.

  • Array [

  • id string

    CORS origin UUID. This value is generated when the origin is created.

    origin string

    Allowed CORS origin. This value can contain port. Wildcard can be used for ports but not for domains.

  • ]

  • defaultGrid boolean

    A flag that indicates if a grid card is created for the user when it is created.

    defaultMobileSmartCredential boolean

    A flag that indicates whether to automatically enroll a smart credential for the user when it is created. Default is false.

    defaultPassword boolean

    A flag that indicates if a default password is created for the user when it is created. Default is true.

    dynamicLinkingTransactionLifetime int32

    Possible values: >= 60 and <= 3600

    The amount of time in seconds before a dynamic linking transaction expired. Default is 300.

    enableEnhancedAuthenticationDetails boolean

    Indicates whether to enable Enhanced Authentication Details or not.

    inactivityGracePeriod int32

    Possible values: >= 60 and <= 2592000

    Default value: 3600

    The amount of time in seconds that administrators can grant for users.

    lockoutCount int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 20

    The number of failed authentications before a user is locked out. Default is 5.

    lockoutLifetime int32

    The amount of time in seconds before a user lockout expires. A value of 0 means the lockout never expires. Minimum is 0. Default is 0.

    lockoutMode string

    Possible values: [AUTHENTICATOR, USER]

    The lockout mode to use for your IntelliTrust account. The AUTHENTICATOR lockout mode means a per-authenticator lockout will be enforced. When a user locks an authenticator they can no longer use that authenticator but can still use an alternative authenticator to log in. The USER lockout mode will lock out a user if any of their authenticators have been locked.

    manageInactiveUsers boolean

    Indicates whether to block users who have not authenticated for a time being.

    maxFIDOTokensPerUser int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 10

    The maximum number of FIDO tokens that a user can have. Default is 5.

    maxGridsPerUser int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 10

    The maximum number of grids that a user can have. Default is 5.

    maxNumberOfPushTransactionsQueued int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Maximum number of queued push transactions. Default is 1.

    maxSmartCredentialsPerUser int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 10

    The maximum number of smart credentials that a user can have. Default is 3.

    maxTokensPerUser int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 10

    The maximum number of tokens that a user can have. Default is 5.

    pushAuthenticationLifetime int32

    Possible values: >= 60 and <= 3600

    The amount of time in seconds before a push authentication requires expires if a response is not received from the mobile application. Default is 300.

    pushTransactionLifetime int32

    Possible values: >= 60 and <= 43200

    The amount of time in seconds that a push transaction can be queued. Default is 60.

    registrationPeriod int32deprecated

    Possible values: <= 365

    The user registration period in days. Default is 0. Deprecated: use the SelfServiceSettings registrationEnabled attribute.

    showOnboardingWizard boolean

    Indicates whether the Get Started wizard should be shown or not.

    smartCredentialDefn string

    The UUID of the Smart Credential Definition to use when a user enrolls a Smart Credential.

    userInactivityThreshold int32

    Possible values: >= 604800 and <= 31536000

    Default value: 2592000

    The amount of time in seconds for a user to be inactive.


