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Tenant controllers

📄️ Create a tenant

Create a new tenant for a service provider. Caller requires the TENANTS:ADD permission from a service provider role.<br/>Notes on CreateTenantParms attributes: <br/><b>adminUser</b> (UserParms):<ul> <li>The locale attribute is ignored if provided. It defaults to English for the first super administrator.</li> <li>The status attributes is ignored if provided. It defaults to ACTIVE for the first super administrator.</li> <li>The userId is required.</li></ul><b>adminApiApplication</b> (AdminApiApplicationParms):<ul> <li>The spRoleId attribute is not supported. An error is returned if provided.</li></ul><b>entitlements</b> (EntitlementParms):<ul> <li>The contractMode attribute is required. It must be either TRIAL or PRODUCTION.</li> <li>The quantity attribute is required.</li> <li><b>entitlements.issuance</b> (EntitlementParms.IssuanceParms):</li> <li>The entitlements.issuance attribute is required if you are creating an Issuance tenant.</li> <li>The serviceBundles attribute is required. One service bundle (of those supported by the service provider contract) must be defined.</li></ul>

📄️ Lists a page of entitlement usage information

Returns tenant usage information for the provided search parameters. Caller requires the TENANTS:VIEW permission. The following searchByAttributes are supported: <ul><li>startTime: a <b>mandatory</b> String value representing an ISO-8601 date in UTC time (e.g., 2018-08-04T18:15:30). Allowed operators are: GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL. </li><li>endTime: a String value representing an ISO-8601 date in UTC time (e.g., 2018-08-04T18:15:30). Allowed operators are: GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL. </li><li>tenantId: The UUID of the tenant. Allowed operators are: EQUALS.</li><li>isTrial: true or false. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li><li>usageType: the type of entitlement: USERS, AUTHENTICATIONS, IDPROOFING, ISSUANCE. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li></ul>The orderByAttribute supports these attribute names: startTime.

📄️ Lists a page of tenants

Returns tenants for the provided search parameters. Caller requires the TENANTS:VIEW permission. The following searchByAttributes are supported: <ul><li>hostname: a String up to 100 characters. Allowed operators are: EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH.</li><li>companyName: a String up to 100 characters. Allowed operators are: EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH.</li><li>contractMode: PRODUCTION, TRIAL, UNKNOWN. Allowed operator: EQUALS.</li><li>locked: true or false. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li><li>serviceProvider: true or false. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li><li>authenticationAccount: true or false. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li><li>issuanceAccount: true or false. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li><li>spIdp: true or false. Allowed operator: EQUALS. </li></ul>The orderByAttribute supports these attribute names: hostname, companyName, contractMode, locked, serviceProvider, authenticationAccount, issuanceAccount, spIdp.

📄️ Create a tenant asynchronously

<p>Create a new tenant for a service provider. Caller requires the TENANTS:ADD permission from a service provider role.</p><p>Notes on CreateTenantParms attributes: </p><b>adminUser</b> (UserParms):<ul> <li>The locale attribute is ignored if provided. It defaults to English for the first super administrator.</li> <li>The status attributes is ignored if provided. It defaults to ACTIVE for the first super administrator.</li> <li>The userId is required.</li></ul><b>adminApiApplication</b> (AdminApiApplicationParms):<ul> <li>The spRoleId attribute is not supported. An error is returned if provided.</li></ul><b>entitlements</b> (EntitlementParms):<ul> <li>The contractMode attribute is required. It must be either TRIAL or PRODUCTION.</li> <li>The quantity attribute is required.</li> <li><b>entitlements.issuance</b> (EntitlementParms.IssuanceParms):</li> <li>The entitlements.issuance attribute is required if you are creating an Issuance tenant.</li> <li>The serviceBundles attribute is required. One service bundle (of those supported by the service provider contract) must be defined.</li></ul>