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Get a FIDO token



Get the specified FIDO token. Caller requires the FIDOTOKENS:VIEW permission.


Path Parameters

    fidoid stringrequired

    The UUID of the FIDO token to be retrieved.

    Example: 6c5ad3b4-888c-4d3b-88f2-8ab71ae4f917




    allowedActions string[]

    Possible values: [DELETE, ENABLE, DISABLE, RENAME]

    Administration actions that can be performed on this FIDO token.

    createDate date-time

    The date on which the FIDO token was created.

    id string

    The unique UUID assigned to the fido token when it is registered.

    lastUsedDate date-time

    The date on which this FIDO token was last used for authentication. This value will be null if the FIDO token has never been used.

    name string

    The name of this FIDO token.

    origin string

    The origin of where the FIDO token was generated.

    relyingPartyId string

    The relying party ID of where the FIDO token was generated.

    state string

    Possible values: [ACTIVE, INACTIVE]

    The state of this FIDO token. Only FIDO tokens in the ACTIVE state can be used for authentication.

    userId string

    The user Id of the user who owns this FIDO token.

    userIdStored boolean

    Indicates if the userId was stored on the FIDO token.

    userUUID string

    The UUID of the user who owns this FIDO token.
