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Get Auth API application



Get the specified auth API application. Caller requires the APPLICATIONS:VIEW permission.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    The UUID of the application to be fetched.




    allowIgnoreIpAddressForRba boolean

    Defines whether ignore ip address for rba will be allowed or not.

    applicationTemplate stringrequired

    Application template specific to this application type.

    applicationTemplateId string

    Application template id specific to this application type.

    clientIpSource string


    Indicates the source of client IP address for risk analysis

    description string

    Short description of application.

    id string

    Application id.

    logo string

    Base64 encoded logo image.

    name stringrequired

    Name of application.

    passkeyEnabled booleandeprecated

    Flag indicating if passkey authentication is allowed for this application. This flag has been deprecated and is no longer used.



    Offline token settings to support offline token feature for IntelliTrust Desktop applications.

    protectedOfflineOTPMaxClients int32

    Maximum number of IntelliTrust Desktops (or clients in general) that are allowed to be registered with a token for downloading OTPs.

    protectedOfflineOTPMaxRefill int32

    Maximum number of hours' worth of offline OTPs that a client is allowed to possess.

    protectedOfflineOTPMinorRefill int32

    Default number of hours' worth of offline OTPs that is returned.

    protectedOfflineOTPProtection string

    Possible values: [NORMAL, STRONG, VERYSTRONG]

    This controls the length of the private salt and is measured in bits. The values map as follows: Normal = 14, Strong = 17, and Very Strong = 20

    protectedOfflineOTPSupport boolean

    Defines whether tokens can be used offline.

    userValuesEnabled boolean

    Defines whether user values function is enabled.

    verificationRequired boolean

    Defines whether verification for a user must be satisfied.
