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Create a tenant asynchronously



Create a new tenant for a service provider. Caller requires the TENANTS:ADD permission from a service provider role.

Notes on CreateTenantParms attributes:

adminUser (UserParms):
  • The locale attribute is ignored if provided. It defaults to English for the first super administrator.
  • The status attributes is ignored if provided. It defaults to ACTIVE for the first super administrator.
  • The userId is required.
adminApiApplication (AdminApiApplicationParms):
  • The spRoleId attribute is not supported. An error is returned if provided.
entitlements (EntitlementParms):
  • The contractMode attribute is required. It must be either TRIAL or PRODUCTION.
  • The quantity attribute is required.
  • entitlements.issuance (EntitlementParms.IssuanceParms):
  • The entitlements.issuance attribute is required if you are creating an Issuance tenant.
  • The serviceBundles attribute is required. One service bundle (of those supported by the service provider contract) must be defined.






    Parameters for the new application.

    allowLongLivedToken boolean

    Determines if a long-lived token is allowed in this application.

    applicationTemplateId string

    The UUID of the application template. This value is only used when creating a new application. If not specified, the default admininstration API template is used.

    description string

    Short description of application.

    ipListId string

    The UUID of the IP Addresses list.

    logo string

    Base64 encoded logo image.

    name stringrequired

    Name of application.

    roleId string

    The UUID of the Site role to be associated with the API application. Pass an empty string value to unset the site role. Either this value or spRoleId is required when creating the application.

    spRoleId string

    The UUID of the service provider role to be associated with the API application. Pass an empty string to unset the service provider role. Either this value or roleId is required when creating the application.




    Attributes for the new user.

    applyGracePeriod boolean

    Indicates if the user is granted a new frozen grace period. This value is not used when creating a user. If provided, it will be ignored.

    email string

    The email address of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. If it is required, it must be specified when creating the user. If it is required, it must be specified when updating the user and a value is not currently set. It must be set to use EMAIL OTP authentication and other features that require an email address. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    emailVerification boolean

    Indicates if a verification email message should be sent to the user if the user now requires verification. The user's policy requiring user verification must also be enabled for the user. If not set, this value defaults to true.

    externalId string

    An optional external ID for this user. This value can be used to track the external identity of an Identity as a Service user. To unset the external ID, specify an empty string.

    externalSource string

    An optional value that describes the source when the user is synchronized from an external source. To unset the external source, specify an empty string.

    firstName string

    The first name of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. If it is required, it must be specified when creating the user. If it is required, it must be specified when updating the user and a value is not currently set. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    groups string[]

    A list of group UUIDs to be assigned to this user. If specified, these groups replace existing groups.

    lastName string

    The last name of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. If it is required, it must be specified when creating the user. If it is required, it must be specified when updating the user and a value is not currently set. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    locale string

    Possible values: [da, de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, nb, pl, pt, ru, sv, th, tr, zh-cn, zh-tw]

    The locale of this user. If not set, the default account locale will be used. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    lock boolean

    Indicates if all the user's authenticators are locked or not.

    mobile string

    The mobile number of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. If it is required, it must be specified when creating the user. If it is required, it must be specified when updating the user and a value is not currently set. It must be set to use SMS OTP authentication. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    oauthRoles string[]

    A list of oauth role UUIDs to be assigned to this user. If specified, these oauth roles replace existing oauth roles.

    organizations string[]

    A list of organization UUIDs to be assigned to this user. If specified, these organizations replace existing organizations.

    phone string

    The phone number of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. If it is required, it must be specified when creating the user. If it is required, it must be specified when updating the user and a value is not currently set. It must be set to use VOICE OTP authentication. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    preferredOtpDelivery string

    Possible values: [EMAIL, SMS, VOICE, SYSTEM]

    Preferred OTP delivery type (SMS, EMAIL or VOICE) or SYSTEM to use the system defined default.



    Preferred OTP delivery contact attribute for the given type (i.e., OTP_EMAIL, OTP_SMS, OTP_VOICE. An empty string means no override for that type).

    property name* string

    Preferred OTP delivery contact attribute for the given type (i.e., OTP_EMAIL, OTP_SMS, OTP_VOICE. An empty string means no override for that type).

    registrationRequired boolean

    Indicates whether self-registration is required. If not set when the user is created, this value defaults to true.

    securityId string

    The security ID of this user. The security ID is a unique value used to identity the user when performing smart card login to Microsoft Windows.

    state string

    Possible values: [ACTIVE, INACTIVE]

    The state of this user. Only users in the ACTIVE state can perform authentication. If not set when the user is created, this value defaults to ACTIVE.



    A list of user aliases for this user. Alias values must be unique with respect to the userId and other aliases of this user and other users.

  • Array [

  • id string

    The UUID of this user alias set when the user alias is created.

    type string

    Possible values: [CUSTOM, DERIVED, USERID]

    The type of user alias. A value of USERID is used for an alias that will represent the actual user id value. A value of CUSTOM is used for aliases manually created by an administrator. A value of DERIVED is defined for future use and should not be used at this time.

    userId string

    The UUID of the user to which this user alias belongs.

    value string

    The value for the user alias.

  • ]

  • userAttributeValues


    A list of user attribute values for this user.

  • Array [

  • editable boolean

    A flag indicating if this user attribute value can be modified.

    id string

    The UUID of this user attribute value set when the user attribute value is created.

    lastUpdate date-time

    The last time the attribute value was updated.



    Information about user attribute definitions.

    id string

    The UUID for this user attribute. Generated when the user attribute is created.

    mandatory booleanrequired

    A flag indicating if users must have a value for this user attribute.

    name stringrequired

    The name of this user attribute.

    systemDefined booleanrequired

    A flag indicating if this user attribute is one of the system defined user attributes.

    type string

    Possible values: [NONE, OTP_EMAIL, OTP_SMS, OTP_VOICE]

    Type of user attribute. Currently only used to specify the type of contact if the attribute is to be used for OTP delivery.

    unique booleanrequired

    A flag indicating if this attribute is intended to be unique.

    userAttributeId string

    The UUID of the user attribute that defines this user attribute value. The userAttributeId must be provided when creating or modifying a user attribute value.

    userId string

    The UUID of the user to which this user attribute value belongs.

    value string

    The value for the user attribute.

  • ]

  • userExtraAttributes


    A list of extra optional attributes for this user.

  • Array [

  • name string

    The name for the extra user attribute.

    type string

    Possible values: [NONE, OTP_EMAIL, OTP_SMS, OTP_VOICE]

    Type of custom user attribute.

    value string

    The value for the extra user attribute.

  • ]

  • userId string

    The user ID for this user. This value is required when creating the user, optional during update. The userId must be unique with respect to aliases of this user and the userId and aliases of all other users.

    userPrincipalName string

    The user principal name of this user. This value may or may not be required depending on configuration. If it is required, it must be specified when creating the user. If it is required, it must be specified when updating the user and a value is not currently set. To remove the existing value, set the value to an empty string.

    verificationRequired boolean

    Indicates whether verification is required. If not set when the user is created, this value defaults to true.

    deliverWelcomeEmail boolean

    A flag indicating if a welcome email should be delivered. If not set, it defaults to false.



    Parameters passed when setting the entitlements of a tenant. Entitlements are required.



    Additional feature

    enhancedGeoLocation boolean

    Enhanced geo location additional feature.

    contractMode string

    Possible values: [PRODUCTION, TRIAL, UNKNOWN]

    The contract mode of a tenant, allowable values = 'PRODUCTION', 'TRIAL', example='TRIAL'.

    contractNumber string

    The contract number.

    customerId string

    The customer ID.

    endDate date-time

    The date this entitlement will end. The value must be after the start date. If not specified, this value defaults to the end date of the service provider's entitlement.

    entitlementId string

    The entitlement ID.



    Parameters passed when setting the Issuance entitlements of a tenant.

    quantity int32

    Possible values: [25, 100]

    The number of FlashPass pass claims allowed during the Trial period.

    fleetManagement object

    Parameters passed when setting the fleet management entitlements of a tenant.



    The ID Proofing entitlements.

  • Array [

  • billingType stringrequired

    Possible values: [PRE_PAID, PAY_PER_USE]

    The model used for billing.

    endDate date-timerequired

    The date this entitlement will end (required). The value must be after the start date.

    quantity int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50000000

    The number of entitlements assigned to the tenant (required if billingType is PRE_PAID).

    startDate date-time

    The date this entitlement will start (required).

  • ]

  • issuance


    Parameters passed when setting the Issuance entitlements of a tenant.

    addOn string

    Add on column to store printer cert flag

    endDate date-time

    The date when the Trial period will end. The value must be after the start date. If specified, this value cannot be more than 30 days after start date.

    quantity int32

    Possible values: [25, 100]

    The number of print jobs allowed during the Trial period.



    The service bundles supported. At least one bundle must be defined.

  • Array [

  • bundleType stringrequired


    Identifies the bundle.

    rank int32

    A number that allows to sort bundles of the same category by precedence. Read-only currently.

    usageReportId string

    An identifier used to report usage for this bundle.

  • ]

  • startDate date-time

    The date when the Trial period starts. This value cannot be in the future. If not specified, it defaults to the current date.

    printer object

    Parameters passed when setting the Printer entitlements of a tenant.

    quantity int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50000000

    The number of entitlements assigned to the tenant (required during creation). The service provider must have enough available entitlements to meet this request.

    smartLoginEnabled boolean

    Whether Smart Card Smart Login is enabled or not.



    Parameters passed when setting the SMS/Voice entitlements of a tenant.

    endDate date-time

    The date when the entitlement period will end. The value must be after the start date.

    quantity int32

    The number of SMS/Voice credits allowed during the entitlement period.

    renewalQuantity int32

    The number of SMS/Voice credits allowed when the entitlement is renewed.

    startDate date-time

    The date when the entitlement period starts. This value cannot be in the future. If not specified, it defaults to the current date.

    startDate date-time

    The date this entitlement will start. If not specified, it defaults to the current date. This value cannot be in the future.

    status string

    Possible values: [ACTIVE, INACTIVE, TERMINATED]

    The status of this entitlement.

    type string

    Possible values: [USERS, TRANSACTIONS]

    The type of entitlement. Currently this value must be USERS. If not specified, this value defaults to USERS.

    usageType stringdeprecated

    Possible values: [USERS, TRANSACTIONS]

    [DEPRECATED] The type of entitlement (ignored if type is provided). Currently this value must be USERS. If not specified, this value defaults to USERS.



    The entitlement bundles that defines the set of features available for authentication accounts.

  • Array [

  • bundleType stringrequired


    Identifies the bundle.

    rank int32

    A number that allows to sort bundles of the same category by precedence. Read-only currently.

    usageReportId string

    An identifier used to report usage for this bundle.

  • ]

  • usersBillingType string

    Possible values: [PRE_PAID, PAY_PER_USE]

    The billing type for user entitlements. Defaults to PRE_PAID if not provided.




    Parameters passed when creating a tenant.

    authenticationAccount boolean

    When creating a new tenant as a child of the root service provider set this to true if the tenant is to be an authentication service. If not specified, it defaults to true. You cannot set the authenticate and issuance values to both true or both false. A child of a non-root service provider inherits the value of its service provider and if specified, this value is ignored.

    companyCountry string

    The country two-letter code (ISO 3166-1) of the location of the company that will own this account.

    companyName stringrequired

    The name of the company that will own this account. This value is required.

    companyState string

    The province/state two-letter code (postal abbreviation) of the location of the company that will own this account. This value is required for companies in the United States or Canada when the companyCountry attribute is provided.

    domain stringrequired

    The domain for this account. This value is required when creating a tenant

    issuanceAccount boolean

    When creating a new tenant as a child of the root service provider set this to true if the tenant is to be an issuance service. If not specified, it defaults to false. You cannot set the authenticate and issuance values to both true or both false. A child of a non-root service provider inherits the value of its service provider and if specified, this value is ignored.

    serviceProvider boolean

    When creating a new tenant set this to true if the tenant is to be a service provider.




    errorMessage string

    The error message describing the first error encountered processing the operation.

    id stringrequired

    The unique UUID of the operation. Used to get status and results of operation

    initTime date-time

    The time this operation was initialized.

    processingEndTime date-time

    The time at which the operation completed processing.

    processingStartTime date-time

    The time at which the operation began processing.

    processingTime int64

    How long the operation took to complete processing in milliseconds.

    state stringrequired


    The state of the operation.

    subject string

    The subject of this operation.
