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Assign token to user



Given a hardware token, assign it to a user. Caller requires the TOKENS:EDIT permission.


Path Parameters

    tokenid stringrequired

    The UUID of the token to be assigned to a user.



    response string

    When the assign operation is not being performed by an administrator, a token response from the token being assigned must be provided.

    serialNumber string

    When assigning a token to a known user, this argument specifies the serial number of the token being assigned.

    tokenType string

    When assigning a token to a user this attribute optionally specifies the type of token to be assigned. It can be a value of OATH_PHYSICAL_TOKEN or ENTRUST_LEGACY_TOKEN. This attribute is only required if the serial number is not unique.

    userId string

    When assigning a known token to a user, this argument specifies the user Id or user alias of the user to which the token will be assigned.


